Friday, February 11, 2011

Obama and Egypt

First things first; these events occurred under a planned design. Remember that one of Barry Soetero's first major addresses occurred in Cairo Egypt:

Now, this has occurred:

...followed by Barry's victory speech...My reactions to the speech:

Obama: "This is the way real democracy works..."

HAHA! Yeah, ok Barry...Revolution=democracy? Hell yeah...I'm READY to get our democracy on! Barry Soetero is so full of crap. If the leadership were wild Muslims and the revolutionaries were Christian or plain anti-Muslim; this shithead would do ALL he could to keep the loony Muzzie dictator in power. Since the dictator was weak-to-moderate in the crazy Muzzie realm...GONE...with Barry being all cool with it...Goodbye western-world economy that once ran productively through the Suez Canal...

Further, how many don't think this sonovabitch Barry is actually a damn Muslim at this point...ANY Muzzie victory and this fag is out there running his mouth in pride over it...Barry NEEDS to do this kind of public speaking in regard to OUR country's our shit's all perfect here and we NEED to be all in Egypt's business...Ok, true we needed REAL diplomacy here...lead by diplomats smart enough to know the balance of power between extremist useful idiot Muslims (used by the NWO) and the importance of the lesser threat western-friendlier dictator...The end game here is obvious though...HUGE quantities of trade go through the Suez Canal...and NOW that is going to be threatened by the radical Muslim useful idiots (or their faked counterparts)...prices will rise and economic instability will create dramatically destructive events world-wide...weakening the people of the planet into a point of desperation that will lead to more and more slow acceptance of the emerging (from their designed necessity) one world government. So, Barry had a win/win today...Getting to side with the psycho-Muzzies AND fuck up the financial future of the western world even more!

Just on a side note; ATTENTION MUSLIM MORONS! You REALLY think that, once your time of usefulness is up; the New World Order won't ditch you too? If you believe that, you really are a bunch of complete retards! I guess their plan is to takeover control once they get their numbers up...But, guess what...The NWO hates you too...You have a God...Allah...and they want to be the one and only deity in your life...In other words; in time, you will fail too...UNLESS we all succeed in destroying the NWO agenda...which seems less and less and less likely as time feebly marches on...

For those good-hearted hippies out there going, "Well democracy just WON in Egypt;" FUCK YOUR IDIOCY! The New World Order is still running the game over there...and they will soon have MILLIONS of wild and crazy useful idiot Muslims at their direct command (without the western-friendlier dictator jumping in to occasionally put a friendlier face on the NWO and kick the psycho-Muzzies back in their place)...The worst is yet to come from "democracy" being taken by people that don't value its core tenants in a manner which in any way will benefit your life ONE BIT...Say "hi" to higher-priced goods that rely on the Suez Canal region for their origin or transport...and remember what I've typed here...Now, to sway the game, I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE there will be this momentary LOWERING of the prices of goods and services from the Suez Canal region at the command of the Saudi-wing of the NWO that will wish to make the events in Egypt SEEM to have been beneficial to all...That is a bubble that will pop with the sound of a thousand planets exploding...Just wait...Keep thinking...Ask yourself about alleged American symbolism we see all around us...Specifically, ask yourself; "Is THIS coincidence?"

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