Friday, January 19, 2007

My Comic Character Wefty...

I've drawn Wefty for well over 15 years now, presented to a VERY limited audience that always laughs, gets grossed out, laughs some more, then asks "What the hell?" followed by more laughing...This .gif is a really limited sampling of the character, but was fun to make anyway....ENJOY!

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Fake CD Covers...

From literal cutting and pasting to Photoshopping, I've been making these things for quite a while...I present, to you, FAKE CD COVERS...If you feel inspired, submit some song titles you think may be associated with the fake artists presented here:

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And, as a bonus...A CD cover from an album of mine....

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Wacky Packages...

Mad magazine style ads, goof-ups of real product labels, and being that I enjoy advertising gimmicks of all varieties, these things struck me as pretty cool...

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So Nerdy It's Cool!