First things first; these events occurred under a planned design. Remember that one of Barry Soetero's first major addresses occurred in Cairo Egypt:
Now, this has occurred:
...followed by Barry's victory speech...My reactions to the speech:
Obama: "This is the way real democracy works..."
HAHA! Yeah, ok Barry...Revolution=democracy? Hell yeah...I'm READY to get our democracy on! Barry Soetero is so full of crap. If the leadership were wild Muslims and the revolutionaries were Christian or plain anti-Muslim; this shithead would do ALL he could to keep the loony Muzzie dictator in power. Since the dictator was weak-to-moderate in the crazy Muzzie realm...GONE...with Barry being all cool with it...Goodbye western-world economy that once ran productively through the Suez Canal...
Further, how many don't think this sonovabitch Barry is actually a damn Muslim at this point...ANY Muzzie victory and this fag is out there running his mouth in pride over it...Barry NEEDS to do this kind of public speaking in regard to OUR country's our shit's all perfect here and we NEED to be all in Egypt's business...Ok, true we needed REAL diplomacy here...lead by diplomats smart enough to know the balance of power between extremist useful idiot Muslims (used by the NWO) and the importance of the lesser threat western-friendlier dictator...The end game here is obvious though...HUGE quantities of trade go through the Suez Canal...and NOW that is going to be threatened by the radical Muslim useful idiots (or their faked counterparts)...prices will rise and economic instability will create dramatically destructive events world-wide...weakening the people of the planet into a point of desperation that will lead to more and more slow acceptance of the emerging (from their designed necessity) one world government. So, Barry had a win/win today...Getting to side with the psycho-Muzzies AND fuck up the financial future of the western world even more!
Just on a side note; ATTENTION MUSLIM MORONS! You REALLY think that, once your time of usefulness is up; the New World Order won't ditch you too? If you believe that, you really are a bunch of complete retards! I guess their plan is to takeover control once they get their numbers up...But, guess what...The NWO hates you too...You have a God...Allah...and they want to be the one and only deity in your life...In other words; in time, you will fail too...UNLESS we all succeed in destroying the NWO agenda...which seems less and less and less likely as time feebly marches on...
For those good-hearted hippies out there going, "Well democracy just WON in Egypt;" FUCK YOUR IDIOCY! The New World Order is still running the game over there...and they will soon have MILLIONS of wild and crazy useful idiot Muslims at their direct command (without the western-friendlier dictator jumping in to occasionally put a friendlier face on the NWO and kick the psycho-Muzzies back in their place)...The worst is yet to come from "democracy" being taken by people that don't value its core tenants in a manner which in any way will benefit your life ONE BIT...Say "hi" to higher-priced goods that rely on the Suez Canal region for their origin or transport...and remember what I've typed here...Now, to sway the game, I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE there will be this momentary LOWERING of the prices of goods and services from the Suez Canal region at the command of the Saudi-wing of the NWO that will wish to make the events in Egypt SEEM to have been beneficial to all...That is a bubble that will pop with the sound of a thousand planets exploding...Just wait...Keep thinking...Ask yourself about alleged American symbolism we see all around us...Specifically, ask yourself; "Is THIS coincidence?"
Friday, February 11, 2011
Would People Be Mad at 2Pac If They Found He Faked His Death?
Some people, those that actually knew 2Pac and grieved his "passing," would be extremely pissed first...But, I think it would pass pretty quickly. Imagine being in genuine mourning and near depression over the passing of somebody you cared about and later finding out it was all part of a plan...Yes, you would feel deceived (rightly so) but if you truly had care and concern for that person; you would probably just be happy they weren't really dead and you would most likely try to understand their deception. For you to have truly grieved the "loss" of this hypothetical person, you would have built concrete emotional ties to him or her...within that construct lies the reality of the ability to be understanding and move beyond the feelings associated with the deceptive actions...especially if those actions were something you could see as a feasible "near-necessity." In the case of 2Pac's hypothetical faking of his own death; there may have ultimately been necessary reasons for him having hypothetically faked his death. For instance, IF he were in any manner at odds with Suge Knight; he would have HAD to have known his life was in complete danger...Suge had already (at that point) proven himself to be violent and dangerous beyond...If Pac had knowledge of the following, he could have REALLY panicked and cooked up his death faking plan:
watch at about 2:07
If WE in the public know about that, chances are Suge bragged about it behind the scenes. However, the whole death of Eazy E is of great interest to me too and due to lineage is directly tied to 2Pac...Eric Wright very well may have been Illuminati targeted as well...In other words, he served his purpose as a musical anti-Christ but was starting to get wise to how he was being used as well as had reached a point of a turn-around (post death, it was revealed how Eazy LITERALLY financially transformed Compton into a cleaner, safer and more livable place...He was REALLY charitable before he died...)...He started becoming VERY entrepreneurial and independent-minded (which, aside from taxation, the NWO hates!)...So, for financial expediency on Suge's part ("Dre Day is Eazy's pay day..a % of cash from Death Row to E)...Eazy may have been killed...while protected by the NWO from prosecution. But, like Saddam Hussein, Knight's time is coming...You don't go Scott-free once you've failed the NWO...However, so far, Suge has not failed them...But, just wait until the approach of the 20th anniversary of a lot of these Death Row albums...I have a strong feeling Suge will get his as that time approaches...sickly enough, to SELL MORE ALBUMS (or .mp3s or whatever technology of choice will exist at that time).
Watch this about Eazy:
Layzie-Bone thinks HELLER injected Eazy with AIDS...
So, two injection theories...Heller (industry a-hole that he is, he would be Illuminati-tied...But, C'MON...He was making BIG $$$$ from Ruthless Records...So, I don't really believe that shit...Terminated by E or not, contractual laws exist where Heller would STILL bank on Ruthless and Heller was/is no dummy on contract law)..Plus, consider this...
1) How the hell does the OTHER black celeb with AIDS at the time (Magic Johnson) live this long while Eazy just kills over so quickly?
2) Also, where are Eazy's "whores" that WOULD HAVE come forward to get their "15 minutes" off of the situation...specifically the one that had the claim of passing AIDS to Eazy? theory...It was mutually beneficial for Eazy to be killed...Suge wasn't wanting to be publicly punked for his money from Dre's HUGE SELLING album and the NWO with their buds in the FCC that control the masses via "media" hadn't calculated the backlash of promoting gangsterism through people like "The Godfather of Gangsta Rap," Eazy E...That backlash can be found in the fact that these armed gangs COULD HAVE (and still could) BECOME WISE TO THE SYSTEM via people like Pac and Eazy (and to a FAR LESSOR EXTENT Biggie)...and if that were to happen a REALISTIC REVOLUTION OF THE PEOPLE could have VERY easily occurred (see the L.A. riots for proof)...The NWO couldn't have that so they used their useful idiots (Suge, MAYBE Heller, maybe some unknown assassin) to change the game...Remember the mourning and changes in rap music (the MOST DOMINATING culturally altering form of music in the history of my lifetime) following the deaths of Eazy and Pac? Everything became this vague bunch of crap about "haters" and "the game?" The NWO, at that point, had hijacked "gangsterism" and put it under a mass-marketing agenda...nullifying it's "street cred/reality" appeal to the young people they were influencing...thus nullifying the potential threat against them...With SUCH A PUBLIC dropping of two prominent figures within the realm of influence; the "violence and taking no shit" game were done in. Instead we got:
Yes, that shit was and is catchy (add that to hype marketing and BOOM...sales a'plenty)...But, it is ALSO lyrically irrelevant...and a contradiction in terms...We went from "Get Money" to "More Money More Problems?" Yup...there's the point...FOR YOU, THE WEAK-WILLED IDIOT MASSES (from the NWO standpoint)...The more money YOU have, the more of a problem it is FOR THEM...Think about that...
Also, take note of the media LOVING Sean "Puff Daddy/P.Diddy/Diddy Dollar/Insert lame nickname here" Combs after all of this. The SAME MEDIA that claimed to hate gangsta rap now promoted (and continues to promote) this dude that was the alleged victim of the lifestyle...The promotion of the victimhood culture contains massive power in that it gives excuses for failure and weakens people. Where people are weakened, they seek strength...The NWO also tries to delete God from the picture (the ULTIMATE strength)...These agendas running in tandem create reliance upon mankind...and the "power" in mankind lies in political leadership...Checkmate for the NWO if any of you have fallen for or are currently falling for this...
..Plus, on a side note:
NWA...."Fuck The Police..." FBI all at their concerts...The feds HAD TO HAVE LEARNED A LOT about this music's influence over the fans...hence a partial source of what they (the feds) were learning about at the time and felt they needed to eventually put a stop to...
Let's look at NWA for a second here:
1. Dre-Great music maker, highly influential...BUT, not loyal to the "G" shit...Further, a HUGE useful idiot for the NWO...One example of MANY:
The symbolism is off the charts with that one...Dre gets a pass from the NWO
2. Ren-Talked down, considered (unjustly) less talented than the rest...a shit talker but without the backing of hype...NWO lets him pass...since he's no real threat...Plus he went Muslim and they LOVE THAT....since the Muslim world contains the new (some would argue ORIGINAL) NWO power base.
3. Yella...Same as Ren without the Muslim thing...Instead, he became a porn producer...another thing the NWO loves for its corruptive, Yella gets a pass...
4. Ice Cube-Follow the analysis of Dre...Same story, but O'shea Jackson is the BIGGEST SELL-OUT POSSIBLE...One minute gangsta, the next a family man movie maker...This blurring of the lines sets the wrong precedent for weak-willed-influence-ready people...They begin to think something along the lines of, "Hey, I can shoot up the block and wild out too (or at least CLAIM TO)...Then just chill with a family and play Ozzie and Harriet...while still bragging and boasting about being a 'gangsta.'" Yup, I'm sure there's a gang of jailbirds that were lead down that path of bullshit...Hence, Cube is STILL the most useful idiot of the group for the NWO....Hmmm...NWO....NWA...NWO...
5. Eazy E-NEVER sold out the gangsta imagery/lifestyle on the surface...and in media, surface counts above all else...since that is what is most marketable...Behind the scenes was another mentioned before...Hence, Eazy got no pass...
Eazy lead to NWA...which lead to Dre...which lead to Death Row...which lead to Pac's major fame...Eazy was the root of this...The root was killed, thus killing the "tree" that could have branched into actual revolution (and one revolutionary branch WAS killed in the process...Pac)...However, this is all just my theorizing/thoughts on the matter...So, back to the question...Would people be mad at Pac for faking his death? If they had any hint of any piece of the known variables that exist here and those even deeper that only Eazy, Pac and a handful of others knew and know about...NO CHANCE IN HELL WOULD THEY BE MAD AT PAC...In other words, most people would be like:
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What We've Lost...An MLK Day Message
As MLK day approaches once again; I am sitting here wondering what the agenda is behind the following. Traditional, pre-1990s calendars indicated the following celebrated dates that are now expunged from MOST modern calendars:
President Fillmore's birthday (b.d.)-7th
Composer Steven Foster's b.d.-13th
Ben Franklin's b.d.-17th
Robert E. Lee b.d.-19th
President McKinley-29th
Read more about Ben Franklin here
President Harrison b.d.-9th
President Lincoln b.d.-12th
President Washington b.d.-22nd
Read more about George Washington here
President Jackson b.d.-15th
President Madison b.d.-16th
President Cleveland b.d.-18th
President Tyler b.d.-29th
Read more about Andrew Jackson here
President Jefferson b.d.-13th
President Buchanan b.d.-23rd
President Grant b.d.-27th
President Monroe b.d.-28th
Read more about James Buchanan here
Anniversary of Chicago World's Fair-1st
Lindbergh Flight-21st
Read more about The Lindbergh Flight here
Ben Franklin discovers electricity-10th
Battle of Bunker Hill-17th
U.S. Troops Reach France (1917)-26th
Read more about The Battle of Bunker Hill here
Battle of Gettysburg (1863)-1st
President Coolidge b.d.-4th
President John Q. Adams-11th
Battle of Bull Run (1861)-21st
Postal Service begins (1775)-26th
Read more about The Battle of Bull Run here
President Hoover b.d.-10th
Panama Canal completed(1914)-15th
President Harrison b.d.-20th
Women's Suffrage (1920)-26th
Kellog Treaty(1928)-27th
Read more about Women's Suffrage here
President Taft b.d.-15th
President Taylor-24th
U.S. Army World Flight-28th
Read more about President Taylor here
President Arthur b.d.-5th
President Roosevelt b.d.-27th
John Adams b.d.-30th
Read more about President Roosevelt here
Armistice Day-11th
President Garfield b.d.-19th
President Pierce-23rd
Read more about Armistice Day here
Boston Tea Party-16th
Landing of Pilgrims-20th
President Wilson-28th
President Johnson-29th
Read more about the Boston Tea Party here
YET, here we are celebrating (meaning having the day off and having to wait a day late for our mail/banking/etc.) MLK day. This entire premise of discarding our history is part of the typical agenda of minimizing the greatness of our forefathers and of our abilities as a nation. Sure, King was a great speaker in spite of his questionable background (he was a plagiarist among numerous other not-so-"reverend"-like qualities) and he DID create momentary positive changes in the United States (Does this formula sound AT ALL familiar? Let's hope the wicked forces in power don't plan to re-tell the WHOLE story!) but he is no more important than any of the rest of our American forefathers and history. I say that we should include the celebration of King and restore all of our formerly celebrated people/events into the celebration lexicon to eliminate the ongoing strides of revisionist historians. The sad fact is that the death of Dr. King ushered in the likes of Malcolm X and black militancy that still survives as a socially corrosive element of American society today. We SHOULD honor MLK as a memory of the very unity that was emerging through his actions, in stark contrast to the useless violence and angry rhetoric of those on the militant pathway to power and full equality. The very forces that silenced the unity Dr. King spoke of now live on in the retaliative efforts of forces more closely resembling those of Malcolm X's ilk. As social unity was momentarily put to rest via the violent death of MLK; violence and ignorance toward all things race and truth was advanced that tragic day in the United States. This very racial idiocy swings from side to side like a wicked pendulum, from one group to the next and so on and so forth. Vengeance is born and the victors of eternal grudge-holding are by and large responsible for the lack of celebrations of our ACTUAL HISTORY...After all, we are NEVER allowed to celebrate the American events that resulted in our victories and unity as a people because doing so may be seen as "offensive" by some. How dare we feel good about our "evil" country that has oppressed so many, right? This is the typical diluted fool's line of thought that's been forced upon all of us as being "acceptable" for decades now. Further, we wouldn't DARE be allowed to celebrate birthdays of possible "slave owners"(even though 70-80 some odd percent of the founding fathers were NOT slave owners and were IN FACT ABOLITIONISTS)! Part of the dummying-down of the people of this country arrives in the form of revisionist history, but let's just call it what it really is...Satanism...AKA Luciferianism...AKA New World Order agenda driven garbage...Wow! Quite a jump, eh? Well, it is the Christian belief that Satan is the father of LIES...Revisionist history is a collective of LIES...Therefore, one could surmise that revisionist history is the equivalent of a Luciferian tool. This tool has been and continues to be used by those in power to create nothing but division, strife, misery and the increased stupidity of the American people. If we lose our history; we lose the lessons learned and great strides made within that history...lessons we could use now...and for the improvement of our future as a united nation living up to its best and brightest potential...Consider these factors on this, our day off...and rest in peace Martin Luther King Jr.
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