Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The cold February winds howl through gray winter skies. The holidays are over, spring is seemingly a lifetime away. The Earth seems a dead shell, awaiting new life. Yes, we are in the typical cycle of life, yet there is nothing typical about the meteoric rise of underground buzz surrounding Punk'n, the blues-rock, psychedelic punk rockin' experience one has to see and hear to believe and understand. We're here with Gary Forney, your master of ceremonies on the audio voyage that is Punk'n.

TD: Gary, I'd like to thank you for allowing another interview. I know life is busy for you and the band at this point.

Gary: "Busy" is relative.. In the overall view of the universe I haven't really been that busy. In the view from the ant hill I suppose I have been.

TD: It's been a successful yet chaotic year for Punk'n, with steady concert gigs, a short film, crazy experiences with the weather and deranged fans, and more potential film work on the way. The chaos has left you feeling dead at some points in recent time and you claim you want to let the world know that you're "back from the dead." Could you elaborate on what you mean by this?

"Dead" is also relative. I guess I meant that the old Iowa Mountain Tour, Off The Charts, and a few other things are dead, at least for me. Punk'N is the new reincarnation of things. No matter what the incarnation though, they are all cloned from the same soul.

TD: Punk'n has become synonymous with everything admired by underground music. The experience that is Punk'n contains modern originality yet reverence for past rock greats, a unique variety of "show" that respects great showmanship of the past and a following that is eclectic yet focused on getting the most one can get out of a live musical experience. In this day and age of limited creativity in the musical/entertainment realm, how do you stay original and creative? What artists of yesterday and today inspire Punk'n to remain a unique force in the underground music scene?

Gary: In the words of Johnny Cash, "Black was the only shirt we all had. If we could play different, we would." The best way to explain things on "backgrounds and influences􀂴"Josh and I each have our own. I can't speak for Josh. I bring a strange mix of art and root music. For those that don't know, I was an art student at the University of Northern Iowa.My mother was also an artist. So were her ancestors. Mom could also play accordion. So,art definitely enters the equation. I really loved the surrealists, Salvador Dali, AndyWarhol and Marcel Duchamp are personal favorites. Art is a definite influence that I bring to the table. That accounts for the films and a few things. Musically, growing up in a small
town in the midwest, I bring a lot of "root" music into things. I went to a small rural
elementary school where I learnt all the great old folk and cowboy songs. At the same time my family went to an old time southern Baptist Church. There I learnt the great old time gospel songs. Can we still call them "Negro Spirituals􀂴" At home, it was before TV reached poor people and entertainment came from the radio or old records. I had three sisters so I heard all the teen idols of the fifties! My late father also played a lot of old blues on 78 RPM records. The evolution of rock paralleled my growing up and coming of age. I was born in the 50's, came of age in the 60's, was on my own in the 70's. So,all those things were absorbed by me like a sponge. They mixed together and what you hear and see, experience is the resulting mix. Of course that all gets mixed with Josh's influences.

TD: I've heard rumors that Doc Rhythm, your percussionist has been considering a solo career. I know you've had problems seeing eye-to-eye in the past and have been reported as saying in a past interview that you believed the Doc "had no soul" but, do you believe the Doc and Punk'n can work out their differences?

Gary: Oh yeah! The good Doctor will either do what I say or will be replaced. I am innegotiations with a Japanese drummer if the Doc doesn't work out.

TD: Early reviews of your short film "Message from Space" have called the short clip a "revolutionary voyage drifting between light satire and omniscient telephoto insanity."Would you care to respond to this viewpoint regarding your film?

Gary: Yeah, with a "Huh?􀂴!"

TD: If you were given unlimited funds to produce a big screen feature film, who would you cast in it and what would the story-line be?

Gary: I would really like to do my own life story. The trouble would be how to end it.Maybe several alternate endings? Failing that opus, I wouldn't mind doing any of the other "Plans from Outer Space." So far we have only seen Plan Nine. What about the other eight? Were there plans beyond nine, such as ten and up? Be worth exploring.

You have a new tour in the works and your fans need to know immediately: When are these concerts and where will they be performed? Also, is there free beer at any of these venues?

No free beer. I am performing at all-ages venues this tour. We will be at Swing State in Lake Villa, Illinois on April 23rd and 24th. The 23rd we will be screening Puppystarring Calico Cooper. Also doing a set. We will be joined by "Let's Get Out Of ThisTerrible Sandwich Shop," whom I am trying to get to change their name. LOL. Maybe to "Sammich Shop􀂴" On the 24th we will be doing "song poem night," which should be interesting. We will attempt to write songs on the spot and let the bad notes fly where they may. We will be being joined by "Sandwich Shop" again and also "The Oliver Twists" and "Nonagon." Come both nights to get the full experience! At this time, mid February, I am
also talking with another venue who may have us for April 25th. It's not definite yet, but looks good. Check my website at www.punkn.org under appearances for updates [ to just about everything going on ]. We will also be at The Straight Edge in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on May 2nd.

TD: What would you do if you found people bootlegging your merchandise outside of one of your concerts? Would it be Chuck Norris style skull cracking time or what?

Gary: Why should I care? Actually, I do find it at times. I found someone trying to sell copies of "Mojo Bone" online. They gave us credit and a glowing review of the song! So, I let it go. There was also the Southern Sea with their song "Iowa Mountain Tour." They hadn't asked permission, so at first I was leary. I listened to it. It wasn't bad, if a little off center. I let it go too. The thing is I am not getting rich, doubt they are either. If some one were to start getting rich off my stuff it might be a different story. Meanwhile I don't see where it hurts.

TD: What is the one message you wish to send to your fans at this time?

Gary: "THINK!" Put that message on a big sign somewhere. Doesn't matter what you think, just think! If I could add to that message: THINK FOR YOURSELF!. Don't let someone else tell you what music is, art is, who you are! THINK. And if allowed two more messages: EXPERIENCE and CREATE!

TD: What it the one message you wish to send to the trouble makers and demented people you deal with at this time?

I AM NOT GOING AWAY! If it bothers you that I am still here, GREAT!

A rather typical question for you: What was the last great movie you saw, one which inspired you? One that spoke to you? One that was just damn fun to watch?


TD: If you had this lifetime to live over again, what would be the primary elements you would change or would you even wish to change anything?

Gary: I may already be living this live over. How would I know? I may keep living it over and over. I would chose a different father...maybe. Also maybe do some things younger than I did, but then, if I had or would, the timing might not be right.

2012 is said to be the last year of humanity, according to numerous calendars. If you knew this to be true, what would you rush to do before the arrival of 2012?

Gary: The Mayans said that! They are gone! Are you familiar with the Ghost Dancers? The last year of "humanity􀂴" That's an interesting word. What does it mean? Suppose I told you that my own world would end on November 24th, 2026? Would it mean anythingto anyone else? [ go to www.deathclock.com ] The End, is relative.

I know you're not a major fan of discussing politics, but I have to ask and I'll keep this short: Newsweek Magazine has recently claimed on its cover that "We Are All Socialists Now." Did you ever perceive a day when the United States would turn toward Socialism? As someone that lived through the "us verses the establishment" era, how do you feel now that the "us" has become the establishment only to allegedly turn Socialist?

Gary: Didn't "Them" win the war of "Us vs Them" We learnt our own fathers would and could kill us at Kent State! Jim Morrison must have been horrified. There are two separate theories on the continued evolution of "Mankind" [ there's that strange word again ]. One says that through racial blending we will become one golden race. The other says that through our basic animal instincts we will remain separate tribes. Then there are always the non-tribal lone wolves. As much as possible I try to remain a wolf. My least known album was "The Wolf's Prayer." What I am saying is I try to remain apart from the golden race/giant family/Big Brother.

TD: What would you do if Socialism got out of control and tried to shut Punk'n down? How would you combat such evil in this hypothetical time?

Gary: By following this great advice. "To thine own self be true!". In other words "keep on keepin' on!"

TD: I know you worked in television for a while there, producing the very enjoyable "Let's Talk Music." If you had an opportunity to do more television, what sort of show would you produce and who would star in it?

Gary: Man, I would love, just love, to do my own "reality" show! Just have a few cameras follow me around for awhile.

People have claimed that "Hip Hop is Dead," and still others have claimed that the media itself is dying out. What are your thoughts on these matters? Do you agree that certain music or media forms die or do they merely remain dormant until a new fan base emerges? Do you perceive of a time when Punk'n may die and be reborn to future generations?

Gary: Andy Warhol's "fifteen minutes of fame:" Why do some artists want more? Each act of creation has its beginning and end. One day I might say a particular thing. When I say something else the next day, it doesn't mean the previous day was invalid. Just that time moves on. Certain things remain true though. There will always be music. It just moves from note to note. All part of the vast harmony or lost chord. It would be a little presumptuous to predict Punk'n future. I just hope what I have created amounts to something and lives on. It's much like every parent hopes for their children. Since Punk'n has some deep roots, I hope it will "leave a mark."

TD: Your new tour is in the works. Any new merchandising on its way as well?

Gary: We have T-Shirts now, but I don't really promote merch. If people feel a need in these economic times to buy something, buy my CDs, films, Digital Down loads, etc.That's more important than drinking some beer I might endorse. LOL.
Corona on ice is Punk'n's beer of choice!

TD: Fans oftentimes wish to read or view more about their idols within the media. Is there any chance of a new edition of your autobiography or a possibility that you will do an autobiographical feature film?

Ah, there have been yearly updates to my autobiography. In 2007 there was "BEYOND THE CHARTS." In 2008 there was "YEAR OF THE PUNK'N." Look for them. I also really want to write a book of fiction, and more poetry.I keep trying to think of a way to do a film. I just hesitate making some self-centered film about myself. You know? I would rather someone else did [ a self-centered film about me LOL ]

TD: I would like to thank you once again for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of this interview. Please, if you don't mind, reiterate when and where your next gigs will be and also, in closing what do you wish to leave the readers with􀂫 A message? A thought? A motto perhaps?

Jim Morrison would have said that, if he was smart. But, he wasn't. He's dead.
Jim won't be back.

Friday, January 9, 2009